Utility Connections | Charles Pool Real Estate - Nacogdoches, Texas Realtor
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OPENING DOORS for YOU since 1976
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OPENING DOORS for YOU since 1976
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TXU Energy
800/368-1398, www.txu.com Serves many Nacogdoches area residents. To choose another electric retail provider, contact Texas Electric Choice at 866/797-4839 or www.powertochoose.org.

Curtis & Clark Energy Services, LLC 936/564-2123, 877/418-2237 www.curtisandclark.com A broker and aggregator of electricity since the Texas Legislature deregulated the state’s electricity market in 2001.  The company works for both residential and commercial clients throughout Texas to help negotiate the best electricity rates and services possible.

Oncor Electric Delivery 936/633-2200, www.oncor.com Delivers electricity using traditional transmission and distribution capabilities, regardless of the retail electric provider from whom consumers choose to purchase their electricity. Oncor Electric Delivery serves all residents inside the Nacogdoches city limits as well as parts of the county. For emergency restoration, please call 888/313-4747.

Deep East Texas Electric Cooperative 936/275-2314, www.deepeast.com Provides electric service to a large portion of the rural areas of Nacogdoches County.

City of Nacogdoches Public Works: 936/559-2583 - Provides garbage services for residents and businesses inside the Nacogdoches city limits.

Lilly Dennis Sanitation: 936/347-2000 - Provides garbage service for residents of Garrison.

Piney Woods Sanitation: 936/876-5640 - Provides garbage service for rural areas of Nacogdoches County.

Appleby Gas Corp.: 936/554-6716 - Provides natural gas service for residents of Nacogdoches, Appleby, Holly Springs and Garrison. 

CenterPoint Energy: 800/259-5544, www.centerpointenergy.com - Provides natural gas service for Nacogdoches residents.

City of Chireno Natural Gas: 936/362-2312 - The Chireno Natural Gas System serves approximately 1,600 customers, covering a 50 sq. mile area.

Greenville Automatic Gas: 800/735-7427, www.automaticgas.com - A full-service propane retailer serving 18 counties in east and northeast Texas.

Perry Propane: 936/564-8448 - Products and services include bottles filled and lease tanks.

Reklaw Natural Gas: 936/369-4333 - Serves the Sacul community.

Appleby Water Supply: 936/569-9782 - Serves all residents from the U.S. Highway 259 and U.S. 59 intersection (the Garrison Y) north to Garrison including Appleby Sand Road to Nacogdoches and all the small communities in between.

Boggy Creek Water Supply: 936/560-2360 - Serves the Boggy Creek area of Lake Sam Rayburn.

Caro Water Supply: 936/326-9916 - Serves residents from Central Heights north to the Nacogdoches County line and all residents between the Appleby Water Supply area and the City of Cushing.

Central Heights Water: 936/559-2590 - Serves residents of Central Heights. 

City of Cushing: 936/326-4665 - Supplies water for residents who live within the city limits of Cushing. 

D & M Water Supply: 936/559-9900 - Serves Douglass, the Moral community, parts of Lake Nacogdoches and areas south of Nacogdoches to Press Road.

Etoile Water Supply: 936/854-2215 - Supplies the community of Etoile. 

City of Garrison: 936/347-2201 - Supplies water for residents who live within the city limits of Garrison.

Libby Water Supply: 936/560-5097 - Serves residents in the Martinsville area.

Lilbert-Looneyville Water: 936/326-4195 - Serves residents along the Rusk county line.

Lilly Grove Water Supply: 936/569-9292 - Serves a 60 sq. mile area including Old Tyler Road, Lone Star Road, FM 343 and FM 698.

Melrose Water Supply: 936/560-2360 - Serves the cities and communities of Chireno, Melrose, Oak Ridge, Sand Hill and Attoyac.

Nacogdoches City Water Department: 936/559-2593 - Serves all residents who live within the city limits of Nacogdoches.

Sacul Water Supply: 936/326-4652 - Serves residents in the Sacul community. 

Swift Water Supply: 936/569-1224 - Supplies rural communities in Nacogdoches County, including residents of Swift, Shady Grove and Martinsville.

Woden Water Supply: 936/715-0307 - Serves the Kingtown, Woden, Oakridge, Fairview, Midway, Barker and Pineflat communities.

Charles Pool Real Estate, Inc.
3505 North Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75965
(936) 564-2622

OPENING DOORS for YOU since 1976
Charles Pool Real Estate, Inc.
3505 North Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75965
(936) 564-2622
The #1 Nacogdoches Realtor for Over 25 Years.