The Charles Pool Real Estate Service Difference for Buyers | Charles Pool Real Estate - Nacogdoches, Texas Realtor
(936) 564-2622  |  Contact
OPENING DOORS for YOU since 1976
(936) 564-2622  |  Contact
OPENING DOORS for YOU since 1976
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  • We’ll help determine which home is right for you.
  • We’ll review guidelines that financial institutions use to determine what price range is right for you.
  • We’ll discuss alternate forms of home financing to let you make the right choice.
  • Our portfolio of homes allows you to preview those which meet your needs, saving you valuable time and resources.
  • We'll visit the homes we've selected to preview.
  • We'll provide relevant, detailed information on various communities – their schools, churches, shopping areas and more.
  • From out of town? We'll call or mail any information you request, before you visit. We're here to help.
  • Another realtor's listing? Just call us. We're here to help you find the right home – wherever it is.
  • We'll accompany you to open houses or newly constructed homes.
  • We'll help explain offers-to-purchase or other legal documents so you can make an informed decision.
  • After any negotiations, you get signed copies of all legal agreements and other papers.
  • We can help arrange selected financing and explain the entire financial process.
Charles Pool Real Estate, Inc.
3505 North Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75965
(936) 564-2622

OPENING DOORS for YOU since 1976
Charles Pool Real Estate, Inc.
3505 North Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75965
(936) 564-2622
The #1 Nacogdoches Realtor for Over 25 Years.